Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Father's Name


Sixth grade. I walked home from school and met two kids I knew but did not hang out with. They were going to the lumber yard to climb on the stacks of wood, and invited me. I should have been suspicious when we crawled under the back fence. We climbed around until the two guys pulled out cigarettes and lit up. I wasn’t interested in that, so I went to another stack and kept climbing.

Of course, cigarettes in a dry lumber yard are a bad idea, and they were caught. We were all taken to the manager’s office and scolded. He asked our names. When I told him mine, he stopped. "Are you Gary Gratton’s boy?" I said yes, and knew I was doomed. He let the other guys go, then called my dad. "Gary, I just caught your boy smoking in my lumber yard. I know you didn’t raise him that way." About three seconds later, I heard tires squealing into the parking lot.

It was fairly easy to convince my dad that I hadn’t been smoking, but I’ve never forgotten that my dad’s name was known in our town, a thing of value. I decided I would never again do anything to tarnish my father’s name. Nor mine.

Thanks, Dad.


  1. Great picture. In my mind, they both still look like that. And I don't really look this much like my Mom.


    1. Yeah, I mostly think of them as that age, too. My mom was looking pretty old last time I saw her, although not as old as the 77 years she'll be here in a few days. How has this happened?

  2. Loved this! It is a big deal isn't it, the worth of your family's name? John, I would love if you would link this up with me at Say It Saturday!

    1. Well, Connie, it isn't really grandparenty, but you don't have to ask me twice.


    2. Thanks for linking. John, I have expanded my GSIS criteria. You simple need to be a grandparent who blogs, so you can link up every week :)

  3. Great story !! Now I have to go read that mother one that is showing under "you might also like" :)

    1. Hi Debra. Thanks for the kind word, and thanks for stopping by. Tonight is when I call my mother, one of the highlights of my week.

  4. What a great story. I think it is great that the event inspired you to cherish your family name. I also think it was great that your Dad believed you! You must have had one of those Dad's that listen! My Dad was like that, too! We were 2 of the lucky ones.

    1. Hello again, Grandma Kc. Yes, if you had a dad like mine, you are lucky, indeed. He certainly wasn't perfect, but I always thought he was perfect for me.



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